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How Does Mental Health Affect Physical Health

Although the mind and body are often viewed as being separate, mental and physical health are actually closely related. Good mental health can positively affect your physical health. In return, poor mental health can negatively affect your physical health.

Effects of Mental Health on Physical Health

Your mental health plays a huge role in your general well-being. Being in a good mental state can keep you healthy and help prevent serious health conditions. A study found that positive psychological well-being can reduce the risks of heart attacks and strokes.

On the other hand, poor mental health can lead to poor physical health or harmful behaviors.

Physical Health Conditions That May Affect Mental Health

Your physical well-being also has an impact on your mental health. People with physical health conditions may also develop mental health conditions.

Psoriasis is a dermatological condition characterized by painful red sores on the skin. It is associated with acute stress and depression.

Individuals with psoriasis experience emotional and psychological distress that negatively impacts their overall health and quality of life. Stress and depression mainly come from anxiety, stigma, and rejection.

Being diagnosed with cancer or having a heart attack can also lead to feelings of depression or anxiety. Around one-third of people with serious medical conditions will have symptoms of depression, such as low mood, sleep problems, and a loss of interest in activities.

How to Take Care of Your Mental and Physical Health

If you want to improve your general well-being, you should take care of both your physical and mental health.

Here are some ways to take care of yourself physically and mentally:

  • Get regular exercise. Exercise is important for keeping physically fit, but it can also help improve your mood. A daily 10-minute walk may increase your mental alertness leaving you energetic and in a good mood.

  • Eat a proper diet. A diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in processed sugars or fats can make you feel better physically and mentally. Consider working with a qualified nutritionist to help you create a diet plan customized according to your needs.

  • Avoid alcohol and drugs. Although drinking and smoking may make you feel better in the short term, they can have a negative effect on both your physical and mental health.

  • Get enough sleep. A good night’s sleep is around seven to nine hours for adults. You can also take a 30-minute nap during the day to feel more alert.

  • Try relaxation techniques. Meditation, deep breathing, and focusing your thoughts can all help when you are feeling stressed.

  • Develop good mental practices. Try to focus on positive emotions and events rather than negative ones.

  • Seek help from others. Talking with friends or family members can help you feel less stressed. Getting others to help with difficult situations can also reduce the burden you feel.



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