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Ways we can help through our online teletherapy services

(We do not provide in-person services)



Rapid Resolution Therapy eliminates the ongoing effect stemming from disturbing or painful experiences.  Eliminates the negative emotional or behavioral influence of traumatic events, whether these experiences are remembered, repressed or forgotten.



Marriage counseling, also called couples therapy, is a type of psychotherapy. Marriage counseling helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships.



Many employers and government agencies are now requiring substance use/abuse evaluations for individuals that have violated state/federal rules, licensure rule, or drug-free workplace employee contract. These violation evaluations often require a counselor with specific training and education in the field of addiction.



Psychotherapy for children focuses on the child, scientifically based on techniques designed to benefit children. Children express emotions differently than adults. It's not uncommon for children to act out emotionally or exhibit mood, sleep, and social disturbances because they are not matured enough to articulate their emotions effectively.

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Clinical Hypnosis also referred to as Hypnotherapy - is  a guided  hypnosis, or a trance-like state of focus and concentration achieved with the help of a clinical hypnotherapist.  In this state, clients can turn their attention completely inward to find their own natural resources deep within, helping to make changes in certain areas of their life.

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